Saturday, March 3, 2012

Team Game Tournament (TGT) By Prema Gaikwad

Teach Game Tournament is one of the effective evaluating procedures of Cooperative Learning. It requires home group or base groups that consistently function in the class for a period of time.
The basic processes of TGT are: 1) to cooperatively complete, 2) to revise a unit or substantial portion of content, generally before a written test, 3) motivate those with test-fear to be at ease, and 4) to learn and to reinforce what is learned.

The teacher prepares the following items: 1) a list of teams, generally made of three members, each from a different home group (post two three copies of the list in the room), 2) a set of question and answer sheets for each team, 3) a set of number cards (numbers corresponding to the number of questions) for each team, and 4) a score sheet for each team.

The TGT procedures are as follows:
1. Looking at the team list, members form teams and sit together.
2. A material-manager from each team picks up the materials for the team.
3. Write the names of team members and home group names on the score sheets.
4. Decide on the direction of the game, clockwise or anticlockwise.
5. Number cards are shuffled and members pick up cards. The one with the highest number is to begin the game.
6. Number cards are put back and shuffled again.
7. The first person begins the game by picking a card. He/she reads the correspond question from the question paper.
8. He/she will answer the question while others listen. If correct, the person gets to keep the card. If wrong, any member may challenge and answer it, then that person gets to keep the cards. If nobody knows the answer, the answer sheet is checked for the right answer. Then must verify the answer from the answer sheet, just to be sure.
9. The game will go on in this manner, with one person getting one turn at a time.
10. The game is more fun when it is crisp and fast.
11. When all the cards are won, points are counted (may count two points for each card) and written in the score sheet under round 1.
12. If time remains, subsequent round may be played, during each subsequent round, the items are reinforced, and the game goes faster too.
13. When an allotted time is complete (30 minutes or so), the teacher stops the game. Material managers bring the tabulated score sheets (along with the rest of the materials) to the teacher.
14. The teacher writes the scores on the board for each home group and totals the score.
15. The team with high score are adjusted the winners. All are winners really, as all would have learned something!
Students generally love this fun test! Try it out for yourselves, in your class. All the best!

TGT materials

Number cards, score sheets, question sheets and answer sheets.

• All the materials need to be prepared for each team.


Gaikwad, P. (2011). Advanced instructional strategies [compendium]. Silang, Philippines: Adventist Institute of Advanced Studies.

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